Simple Group adopts the Tripartite Standard on Age-Friendly Workplace Practices and wishes to explicitly lay out our HR policy surrounding age as follows:
Age is not a selection criterion used when advertising for, shortlisting or selecting job candidates.
Older employees are trained to perform their jobs effectively.
Workplace health programmes for older employees are implemented.
Jobs and workplaces are designed to be age-friendly.
Older employees who are not at the maximum of their salary ranges and have satisfactory work performance are given annual increments, if other employees are also given annual increments.
Employees are engaged on re-employment issues at least 6 months prior to reaching the retirement age of 66, and for any subsequent extension of the re-employment contract. Employees are offered re-employment contracts at least 3 months before they are to be re-employed, with a duration of at least 1 year.
Company’s Retirement Age shall be 66 years old.
Company’s Re-Employment Age shall be 71 years old.